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Surrender To The Great Shepherd


Encouraging Word & Declaration

Surrender to the Great Shepherd A message to God's elect: In this great season of alignment (proper positioning) the Lord spoke to me to remind you "to rest and let Him be your Great Shepherd," whether you're being positioned to embark upon the "right" course where you've been off track or "wondering", or positioned to plow and start a new assignment, or positioned to finally reap where you have faithfully worked the works of God. Psalms 23 is a foundational scripture. For many, it (Psalms 23) is often one of the first scriptures that is learned, rehearsed and memorized as a new Christian. Well it is full of refreshing for all believers including the seasoned saint and the leader as you forge ahead to live righteously, to conquer territories, to reestablish the doctrines of Jesus Christ, and to beckon a hurting and lost people back into the pastures kept by Christ. In the midst of the manifestations stay focused on what God has said, you are sustained and maintained by EVERY WORD that proceeds from God; that He has spoken through the scriptures, to you personally in prayer, and prophetically by His prophets. Today declare ...

THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD and I SHALL NOT WANT (Ps 23:1) HE MAKETH (causes) ME TO LIE DOWN (rest and revitalize) IN GREEN PASTURES (sufficiency) (Ps 23:2a) HE LEADETH ME (guides) BESIDE THE STILL (safe, calm, refreshing) WATERS (nourishing and cleansing) (Ps 23:2b) HE RESTORETH MY SOUL (heals and perfects my will, mind, emotions to righteousness) (Ps 23:3a) HE LEADETH ME IN THE PATHS OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (ways that bring Him glory and honor) FOR HIS NAME'S SAKE (for the Kingdom's reputation) I WILL NOT FEAR ANYTHING (the appearance of death, abandonment, or the sense of obscurity) FOR YOU ARE WITH ME (Ps 23: 4a-c) YOUR ROD AND STAFF (your trustworthy leadership and unfailing power and authority) COMFORT ME (give peace) (Ps 23:4d) I WILL EAT AT THE TABLES YOU PREPARE (tests, trials, proving, and accomplishment) NO MATTER THE DISTRACTORS (enemies) (Ps. 23:5a) I RECEIVE YOUR APPROVAL AND ASSIGNMENT (anointing with oil) (Ps. 23:5b) I AM EXCEEDINGLY SATISFIED (cup/life runneth over) (Ps 23:5c) GOODNESS AND MERCY ARE DISPATCHED TO CARE FOR ME AND KEEP ME (Ps 23:6a) I WILL NOT DEPART FROM GOD (Ps 23:6b)

Let His words of truth remain upon your lips, because the only power the enemy has is that which you give him...



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