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Are You Going Through Life Hoping True Love Will Find You?



Join Sadira on a journey from disappointment and pain to a romantic fairytale love and a solid, loving, life-time relationship. There is a “yellow brick road” that can lead you right into the arms of your God-given mate. So, let’s get to work, let’s take the RIGHT steps down the RIGHT roads to make you “relationship ready” for your RIGHT mate.


How many days, months, or even years has your heart been aching and longing for real love? The 100% genuine even on your worst day kind of love? How long have you been longing for someone to see how smart you are, how kind you are, how beautiful you are inside and out? For someone who will love, accept, and treasure all of you with all your
quirkiness, idiosyncrasies, and unique personality?


For someone who will love all of your voluptuous curves or your sexy slenderness? Someone who will stand by you through thick and thin, sickness and health, poverty or wealth…UNTIL your natural end?! Someone who will encourage you when you are weak and celebrate with you in every victory?


If you really want to have this kind of love. If you’re ready to set yourself in the safety of healthy boundaries out of the paths of all of the “relationship pirates,” lurking in the scenes of life waiting to rob and exploit you of your “good treasures.” If you are ready and willing to roll up your sleeves and put in some real work, then you don’t have to be a victim of loneliness, unappreciated, overlooked, unloved and single any longer.

Are You Going Through Life Hoping True Love Will Find You?

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